About Orphanages in China

Orphanages are a functioning solution to child homelessness; however, the solution is temporary, non preventative, and requires additional support to maintain decent living conditions. Bluegrass for Better supports orphanages that don’t have the resources to reach out for help, but are quite in need of it. According to Lillian Jue, who worked at an orphanage in China this summer, they lack clean bed sheets, soap, up to date toys, and most importantly, volunteers. The orphanage system also poses a serious time issue: as the children grow up, they become harder to adopt. We must do all we can do get these kids to loving families with a home, food, education, access to hobbies like sports, and of course, enhancement of artistic expression. When children get adopted, they obtain the opportunity for a fulfilling and stable life. It is our mission to support orphanages so they can adopt out as many children as possible. We need your help.